Labioplasty is an operation performed to correct the lips in the female genital area for aesthetic concerns or functional reasons. The lips called labia, which are among the external genital organs, are the thicker and fuller labia majora, the surface of which is covered with hair, and the thinner labia minora, located on the inside of the labia majora.

When labiaplasty is mentioned, inner lip reduction surgeries performed due to large, asymmetrical or sagging inner lips come to mind. Less commonly, interventions such as reduction or enlargement of the outer lips can be performed.

Conditions such as the inner lips being large, asymmetrical, sagging, with irregular edges and dark color may be due to innate genetic characteristics; Throughout women’s lives, there may be changes in the external genital structures due to the influence of hormones during adolescence, advancing age, weakening of tissues due to estrogen deficiency due to menopause, and birth and pregnancies. In addition, undesirable and uncomfortable situations may occur in the external genital area due to many reasons such as frequent vaginal-vulvar infections, weight gain and loss, and trauma. With labiaplasty procedures, these elongated, sagging or asymmetrical lips can be shortened and shaped. Empty and loose lips can be tightened and plumped.

Why is labiaplasty needed?

First of all, female external genital organs can have very different appearances and there is no clear definition of normal or abnormal in this regard. Since there is no definition of ‘normal’ in this regard, a person’s discomfort with the appearance of their external genital organs may be the sole reason for applying for genital aesthetics. Because this dissatisfaction can lead to emotional stress, psychological problems such as self-confidence problems, and sexual problems such as avoidance of sexual intercourse.

Apart from this, especially large or sagging labia minora can cause irritation, chronic infections and hygiene problems in the genital area. The appearance of swelling in this area can cause undesirable appearance in underwear, swimsuits and even clothes, and this situation makes the person uncomfortable. Sometimes it may even be necessary to reduce the appearance of swelling by pushing the labia into the vagina. In addition, this condition can cause discomfort while sitting, walking or in activities such as running, cycling, horseback riding and swimming.

One of the reasons that lead to the need for labiaplasty may be complaints such as difficulty in sexual intercourse and pain due to the lips stretching into the vagina during intercourse. In addition, women who are uncomfortable with their appearance may experience situations such as being ashamed of their partners, avoiding sexual intercourse, and decreasing sexual pleasure. Asymmetry in the lips can cause problems such as urine going in an undesirable direction and wetting of the legs while urinating. One or more of these reasons may lead to the need for corrective surgery in this area.

How is labiaplasty surgery performed?
In these surgeries, which are performed painlessly under anesthesia, the anesthesia method to be applied may vary depending on the surgical procedure to be performed and the clinical condition of the patient. Local anesthesia, general anesthesia or regional anesthesia (waist anesthesia) methods can be used. In labiaplasty surgeries, excess tissues on the lips are removed appropriately and these areas are repaired. As a result, the lips in the genital area are reduced and a symmetrical appearance is achieved. Although there are various techniques defined today, the appropriate labiaplasty technique is chosen according to the person’s anatomical structure and expectations.

How long is the recovery time after labiaplasty?
After the labiaplasty procedure, hospitalization is usually not required after the procedure. Discharge is appropriate after approximately 6 hours of observation after the operation. Afterwards, 2-3 days of rest is sufficient. It is necessary to wait 4-6 weeks for exercise and sexual intercourse.

What will happen if labiaplasty is not performed when necessary?
Irritation in the genital area

– Chronic vulvar-vaginal infections

– Hygienic problems

– Discomfort in activities such as walking, running, cycling, horseback riding and swimming

– Difficulty or pain during sexual intercourse

– Urine goes in different directions when urinating

– Stress

– Low self esteem

– Loss of sexual desire

What are the genital aesthetic operations that can be performed other than labiaplasty?
Clitoroplasty (Clitoral hudoplasty)
These are corrective surgeries to remove excess tissue around the clitoris for cosmetic reasons or problems with sexual pleasure. It is often performed together with labiaplasty.

These are surgeries performed to narrow and tighten the vagina, which are mostly preferred in women who have given birth vaginally or because the vagina feels wide, open, loose and loose due to reasons such as weakening of tissues with advanced age.

These are corrective operations in the area between the vaginal entrance and the anus, called the perineum. It is mostly performed to correct poorly healing birth tears or incisions.

Additionally, PRP applications into the vagina and labia majora; filler (oil-hyaluronic acid) applications to the big lips; Non-surgical genital aesthetic procedures such as laser vaginal tightening and lightening applications can also be performed.

Frequently asked questions about labiaplasty
Can genital aesthetics be performed without surgery?

As in other parts of the body, non-surgical aesthetic interventions can be performed in the genital area. Applications such as tightening and narrowing the vagina, tightening and plumping of the outer lips, and lightening the color in the genital area can be performed with laser. In addition, laser applications can also be performed for non-aesthetic reasons such as the treatment of frequently recurring vaginal infections, the treatment of vaginal dryness in menopause, and the treatment of some types of urinary incontinence. In addition, bleaching with chemical substances, PRP and filling applications are among the non-surgical applications used in the genital area.

Can labiaplasty be performed with laser?

In genital aesthetics, laser can be used instead of scissors to remove excess tissue, or there are laser applications that can be performed to reduce wrinkles and tighten the outer lips.

Can every woman have labiaplasty?

Genital aesthetics can be performed on anyone who is over 18 years of age and who does not have any serious or chronic disease that would prevent surgery or anesthesia. However, if the procedure is to be performed solely due to the person’s aesthetic concerns, it should be ensured that the person does not have a psychiatric body perception disorder.

Is there any loss of sensation after labiaplasty?

There is no loss of sensation after genital plastic surgery. On the contrary, sexual functions can be improved by removing excess tissue around the clitoris, which is usually done with labiaplasty. After the surgery, the pain and difficulty in sexual intercourse experienced by women due to sagging and enlargement of the inner lips are eliminated. In addition, the improvement in appearance allows the person to gain self-confidence. All of these increase the pleasure during intercourse. Thus, a significant improvement is achieved in sexual life.

When to start sexual life after labiaplasty?

The process after genital plastic surgery may vary depending on the person’s tissue healing. Generally, it is necessary to wait 4-6 weeks after the operation for sexual intercourse.

Does edema occur after labiaplasty?

A temporary edema occurs after the labiaplasty surgery due to the procedure performed. The edema that occurs during the healing process gradually decreases. To prevent edema, ice applications are recommended at regular intervals in the first days after the operation.

When will the stitches fall out in labiaplasty surgery? Will there be any scars?

In labiaplasty, stitches that dissolve on their own in a short time are used, so there is no need to remove the stitches after the surgery. in about 1 week