Laser vaginal tightening (also known as laser vaginal aesthetics) is a plastic surgery procedure performed to reduce and narrow the size of a female genital organ. This procedure is generally preferred in cases where the size of the vagina is congenitally large or the vagina enlarges after birth. This procedure is performed using a laser and is usually performed under anesthesia. The purpose of this procedure is to change the appearance and feel of the vagina and provide a more intense experience during sexual intercourse.

There are many different ways to perform the laser vaginal tightening procedure, and which one is most suitable may vary depending on the individual’s situation. These procedures include options such as laser vaginal tightening, vaginoplasty and labiaplasty. Each of these procedures has different purposes and methods and must be performed by a surgeon. Laser vaginal tightening and similar procedures may have serious risks and should therefore be carefully considered and consulted with your doctor.

Who can undergo Laser Vaginal Tightening?

Laser vaginal tightening and similar aesthetic surgery procedures are performed for women who have a naturally large vagina or who may prefer it for situations such as postpartum enlargement. These procedures aim to change the appearance and feel of the vagina and provide a more intense experience during sexual intercourse. These procedures may be preferred for reasons such as women being dissatisfied with the width of the vagina or the width of the vagina causing discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Laser vaginal tightening and similar procedures are not always applicable to everyone, and therefore it is recommended that you decide in consultation with your doctor. These procedures may have serious risks and should therefore be carefully considered and consulted with your doctor. Additionally, there is a possibility that the results of these procedures may be temporary and therefore this is an important point to consider.

For what purposes is Vaginal Laser performed?

Vaginal laser is a plastic surgery procedure performed to reduce or change the width of the vagina. This procedure is usually done using a laser and is performed under anesthesia. It can be done with different methods such as vaginal laser, laser vagina tightening, vaginoplasty and labiaplasty. Each of these procedures has different purposes and methods and must be performed by a surgeon.

Laser vaginal tightening is a procedure performed to reduce the size of the vagina. This procedure is performed under the influence of short laser beams applied to the wall of the vagina using a laser. This procedure aims to reduce and narrow the size of the vagina and is usually performed under anesthesia.

Vaginoplasty is a procedure that does not aim to change the size of the vagina, but aims to improve its appearance and texture. This procedure aims to stretch and adjust the wall of the vagina and is usually performed under anesthesia.

Labioplasty is a procedure that aims to reduce the size of the labia (tissues on the side of the vagina). This procedure aims to reduce and streamline the size of the labia and is usually performed under anesthesia.

Each of these procedures has different purposes and methods and must be performed by a surgeon. These procedures may have serious risks and should therefore be carefully considered and consulted with your doctor.

How is Vaginal Tightening Performed with Laser?

Laser vaginal tightening (also known as laser vaginal aesthetics) is a plastic surgery procedure performed to reduce the size of the vagina. This procedure is performed under the influence of short laser beams applied to the wall of the vagina using a laser. This procedure aims to reduce and narrow the size of the vagina and is usually performed under anesthesia.

The laser vaginal tightening procedure may include the following steps:

Administration of anesthesia: This procedure is usually performed under anesthesia. The anesthesia option may be general anesthesia or local anesthesia, depending on the preference of your doctor and your patient.

Laser application: During this procedure, the doctor applies laser beams to the wall of the vagina. These rays affect the tissue in the vaginal wall, reducing the size of the vagina and narrowing it. This procedure may take a few minutes or several hours.

Bandage or pad application: After this procedure, a bandage or pad is applied to the wall of the vagina. This allows the wall of the vagina to heal and stretch.

Healing process: After this procedure, the healing process of the vagina may take several weeks. During this process, it is important to clean the vagina and stay comfortable, following your doctor’s instructions. During this process, there may be pain, swelling and redness on the wall of the vagina, and this is normal.

The laser vaginal tightening procedure may have serious risks and should therefore be carefully considered and consulted with your doctor. There is a possibility that the results of this procedure may be temporary and therefore should be considered.

Risky pregnancy or high risk pregnancy; These are pregnancies that have an additional disease before or during pregnancy, or where there is a risk of miscarriage or a risk of disability in the baby in the scans.

In cases where normal vaginal birth cannot be performed, the method used is cesarean delivery. In cases where normal birth is considered, a caesarean section can be performed urgently, or a caesarean section decision can be made by prenatal planning. If it is determined that a cesarean section will be performed before birth, the date and time of the procedure can be determined.

Caesarean section is a birth technique performed under operating room conditions and anesthesia. In this procedure, the baby is removed from the mother’s womb by making an incision first in the abdomen and then in the uterus. Then, the incisions are closed with stitches and the birth is completed.

Aginal discharge is the fluid secreted from small glands in the vagina and cervix. This fluid leaks from the vagina every day to flush out old cells and debris, keeping the vagina and reproductive system clean and healthy. Vaginal discharge may occur from normal changes in estrogen levels

In uterine prolapse, the muscle around the vagina, connective tissues, and the nerve that holds the pelvic organs and tissues in place, break as the muscle tissues weaken and prolapse occurs outside the vagina. It occurs due to reasons such as normal birth, insufficient estrogen, and old age.

Sexually transmitted diseases that can be treated are: Syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis. The 4 most common sexually transmitted diseases are; hepatitis B, herpes simplex, HIV (AIDS) and HPV cannot be fully treated